The Crafty Ginger • Rescued pieces + handcrafted, spirited goodness

dyli {do you love it?}

Create from a distance


Tags art class, create, get creative, make art, sidewalk chalk

Create from a distance

My 8 year old niece has recently learned how to use Messenger Kids on her little iPad. She sends funny pictures, silly stickers and really short sentences. I love every single thing because I’m her “Auntie” and that’s what I do. Recently, she sent a video message to say she hopes I’m staying safe and healthy and that she misses me. It was the sweetest and I might have geared up a bit. But what really got me is the end of her video when she said she wishes she could do "art class" with me. {For those who may...

This bird...


This bird...

I was asked to consider doing a live painting alongside an incredibly talented pianist in an intimate home concert. In all honesty, I wrestled with the idea for awhile. I love creating tangible pieces for others - I just don't want others to watch me do it. I mess up often, I make a huge mess, I second guess myself. The creative process for me is me in 100% flawed human behavior mode and that just isn't something I let everyone see! It isn't "Instagram worthy". But, nevertheless, I did the live painting. I shut up that inner critic and...

Side Hustlin' is a Passion


Tags art, artists, crafts, creating, makers, passion, passion projects, side hustle, teachers

Side Hustlin' is a Passion

As you may or may not know (depending on if we have ever met and had this conversation), I am a full-time, high school art teacher. I have been teaching for 20.5 years now (I started when I was 10! Ha!!) And, according to the state of Texas and TRS, I am eligible for retirement in 2026! There have been times throughout my career, when I was single, where I worked a second part-time job. It was never a necessity but I had been known to have "champagne taste on a beer budget"! So, in 2015, after an intense recovery...

Shop Small Business Saturday!

Shop Small Business Saturday!

As a small business owner, I can tell you that I (and others in this world of small businesses) really do a happy dance with each purchase. For me, this is my side hustle. I'm a teacher by day and a small business owner every second I'm not in the classroom (if you know any teachers, there are many who do the same). Because you really are what makes the world go around in a small business, we want to give you some incentive to shop with us, especially on "Small Business Saturday"! So, join us on Saturday, November 30 •...

I got married!!!

Cheryl Jones

Tags blog, news, wedding

I got married!!!

I will say that this year (2019) has proven to be an extremely busy one so far. I've been absent from markets and neglecting this site as well as social media sites. But, my reason is completely justifiable - I GOT MARRIED!!! And, with planning life events, some things fall by the wayside.  Our wedding was small with family and a few close friends. It was held at Central Lutheran Church in Dallas, TX and our reception was at Rosalind Coffee in Garland, TX. It was absolutely the happiest day ever! We spent our wedding night at the Cambria Hotel...